September 20, 2024

Little did they know…

Little did EVERYONE know that the squirrels were on to something. Rosie’s research indicated as much. She’d been studying the squirrels in the neighborhood for months, watching them through the windows, examining their habits, trying to figure out what made them tick.

For the past two months, they’d been extra busy. She watched them, and she knew it had something to do with nuts. Or rather, acorns.

They were hoarding them for some reason, and Rosie was determined to figure it out. So, today she set out on her walk to get to the bottom of it.

As luck would have it, not only did she find a bunch of acorns to continue her studies with, but she also found a very rare gold one!

A solid gold acorn!

Truly incredible…

It’s worth enough to fund her research for the next two years!

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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