September 20, 2024

OK, in classic Karen fashion, I did makeup and hair for a job interview early yesterday morning only to realize at the last minute that it wasn’t going to be on video but over the phone, LOL! Oh well.

At least it gave me an excuse to try a new eyeliner, GXVE Line It Up Gel Pencil in Sapphire Skies, a beautiful dark navy blue matte shade. We’ll get to that in a second.

Thank you for sending your interview well-wishes. I think I did ok! If I make it through this round — pretty sure I did — then I have another three rounds to go.

I don’t know if you’ve searched for a job lately, but these days it’s a looooong process. Well, at least it is in the creative field that I’m in right now (writing).

You gotta make it through an online resume submission, which is shockingly difficult to do because of the sheer volume of people who apply. Then, an HR person does a screener interview, and if you get through that, then you do two or three more interviews with the creative team members. Sometimes it’s an individual interview and sometimes it’s a group. Then, there’s a writing test. If you pass the writing test, then there’s usually one more interview with a VP or someone in a C-suite position.

It’s a lot!

I was thinking as I was driving Connor to the dentist for a filling (baby’s first cavity) that it feels like I’m dating again, ha ha ha! On all these calls, you’ve gotta look your best and present the best version of yourself, and then hope that 1) the person on the other end likes you enough to move you forward and 2) that you don’t accidentally offend someone along the way. All the while you have no real idea how the other people truly feel about you.

Someone also got a loose tooth extracted!

Anyway, I know something good is coming. Just gotta be patient.

Now for the fun stuff… EYELINER. Specifically, the blue gel pencil liner from Gwen Stefani’s makeup line, GXVE. She has a bunch of colors and this one caught my attention because of the creaminess of the pencil and the intensity of the pigment. It’s supposed to be waterproof, too.

In these pics, I had the makeup on for a good six hours, and the liner did not budge from my lash or water line! What I love the most about it, though, is the color. It has depth and intensity, but it isn’t harsh. It’s perfect if you want definition but prefer a softer alternative to true black eyeliner.

At full price, each pencil is usually $20 for 0.04 ounces, but on the GXVE Beauty website right now, everything’s 50% off, so, dagnabbit, it looks like I need to buy another shade or two. I think the purple and the taupe look really beautiful.

One more day until Thanksgiving. We’re going to keep it mellow this year — just me, El Hub, Connor Claire and Rosie-Pose. We’re going to have crab with lots of butter and salt instead of turkey, french bread, some sides that we’ll pick up from a local gourmet deli and a pie or two. Connor and I are going to make an apple pie today (here’s the recipe); hopefully it won’t be hideous so I can take a decent picture of it.

I hope your T-day prep is going smoothly and that you’re feeling happy and healthy. Some nasty colds are going around these parts, so take care of yourself, OK?

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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