September 20, 2024

Oh! I’m glad you’re here. So! I thought you’d be interested in hearing the big news…

Get this: on the night of the company’s annual Christmas tree lighting last weekend, someone sabotaged the A/V system, which caused the Christmas tree lights to go out!

That reminds me…

When Tabs was our CFO (Chief Feline Officer), he kinda took it upon himself to decorate the company tree, and like everything he did, he took this responsibility seriously.

There was no lounging around… It was always work, work, work with Tabs.

Every year, not only did he chair the decorating committee, but he also headlined the company’s annual presentation of The Nutcracker.

Rosie, now, has continued the legacy of the leaders of Tabs the Cat Industries, LLC by doing her level best to maintain the same high standards Tabs set for the office decorations.

Since she’s a scientist and an engineer, she plans out every last detail. Her attention to detail is truly remarkable.

Sadly, it wasn’t enough this year.

Moments after we powered up the company Christmas tree at our big tree lighting ceremony, the unthinkable happened!

Someone sabotaged the setup, which caused the lights to go dark. Yup, the Christmas tree is still broken.

Immediately, Detective Rosie took the case.

It’s been a difficult 24 hours, but if anyone can get to the bottom of this brazen caper and figure out whodunit, it’s Rosie. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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