September 20, 2024

Rosie had a big dance weekend! Her hip-hop dance crew competed in the Annual Novato Best Cat Dance Club championship, and they took home furrst prize!

It was quite a show.

Of course, that Rosie can dance should come as no surprise. She and Connor have been dancing together for years…

Tabs was also in the local music scene. In fact, he was Novato’s biggest cat DJ (literally). Not only did he DJ at all the biggest events, but he also created the most successful cat streetwear brand in town.

At one point, he was so hot that Essie sponsored an entire lunar mission for him, complete with geodesic atmosphere-filled dome, for a Tabs concert.

To this day, millions of music lovers say it was the best cat DJ performance they’ve ever seen. 🙂

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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