September 20, 2024

There is nothing that can compare to the look of a wrought iron chandelier in your front entryway or over your dining room table. These types of chandeliers are majestic and they are grand and they can be a total pain to keep clean if you don’t know how to do it. The key to long lasting gorgeous looks in that department is to keep the metal from getting rusty. Easier said than done right?

Wrong. Keeping your wrought iron chandelier free from rust is as easy as wiping it down with something like WD40 every now and then. This kind of cleaning is going to moisten the metal and bring a whole new glow and shine to it. If you have been noticing that your metal has been looking dull this is gong to solve the problem right up for you in seconds.

The actual cleaning can go a couple of different ways. You can get a soft cloth, one that is not full of rough bits, and then apply the WD40 to it. You can even soak the cloth in this solution to get it nice and wet. Wring it out if you do this though because you don’t want a greasy mess all over the space under the chandelier. Another way to go is to apply the WD40 straight to the metal. This works just as good but it can also be rather messy. If you have a good dining room table under the chandelier or if you have marble or granite flooring don’t go this route as you could end up staining your floors and table.

A simple wipe will add a protective coating to the wrought iron chandelier that will last a long time. In just a few minutes your chandelier is going to shine like never before and it is all due to a simple application of the solution. You can wipe all parts of the lighting fixture with the WD40 just make sure that you get it in all of the little crevices that are on the fixture. Any spot that you miss can bloom with rust so beware!

Source by Tony W. Dunk