September 20, 2024

Being a caregiver is one of the most undervalued and underappreciated jobs you can have. Who are caregivers? Those we’ll be discussing in this article are unpaid family members and sometimes friends — known as informal or family caregivers — who provide vital emotional and physical support to those who need it most. These unsung heroes, most of whom are women (between 53% and 68% to be exact), are the backbone of long-term home-based care in the United States. 

The challenges of caregiving are multiple and daunting. Studies have found that a concerningly high volume of caregivers report their own health as less than optimal due to the long, unpredictable hours. The emotional toll is equally substantial — about 31.3% report feeling distressed.

With statistics like these, it’s clear caregivers need a haven — a place to de-stress and recharge. Let’s dive into some practical tips to help caregivers build a sanctuary right in their own homes.

What Are The Signs of Caregiver Stress and Burnout?

It’s no secret caregiving can be exhausting both physically and emotionally. Did you know that roughly 63% of family caregivers rate their stress levels as high or moderate on a five-point scale? Studies also found about one-third of caregivers struggle with disrupted routines. So how do you know when it’s time to hit pause and take care of yourself?

Signs You Need a Break

While you’re busy caring for someone else, it’s easy to overlook your own well-being. Here are some warning signs it’s time to step back and focus on your own health:

  • Constant Worry or Feeling Burdened: If your mind is always racing with concerns about caregiving, it’s a red flag.
  • Sleep Disruptions: Whether it’s insomnia or the opposite — oversleeping — your sleep patterns say a lot about your stress levels.
  • Loss of Interest: If you’re no longer excited about hobbies or activities that used to bring joy, take note.
  • Physical Ailments: Frequent headaches or other health issues could be your body’s way of saying it needs a break.
  • Substance Misuse: Turning to alcohol, drugs, or misuse of prescription meds signals a problem.
  • Neglected Personal Health: If you’re missing your own doctor appointments, you’re not just jeopardizing your health but also your ability to care for someone else.
  • Mood Changes: Irritability, depression, and trouble concentrating are not just fleeting emotions — they’re alarm bells.

If any of these signs resonate with you, it’s crucial to address them. Ignoring these warning signals not only jeopardizes your mental and physical health but also impacts the quality of care you can provide. Stay tuned for actionable tips on creating a stress-free sanctuary at home.

Tips to De-stress Your Home and Yourself as a Caregiver

Taking on the role of caregiver often means putting another’s needs ahead of your own. It’s a demanding job, and let’s face it, few caregivers have the luxury of time for self-care. That’s why we’ve compiled a list of ways you can integrate stress relief into your home and daily routine without adding to your already packed schedule.

De-stressing Your Space

Your home should be a place where you can relax and de-stress, especially as a caregiver. Create a calming oasis in your home, where you unwind after a long day of caregiving with these tips and tricks.

Declutter Regularly

Chaos in your surroundings often reflects and amplifies chaos in your mind. Allocate a few minutes each day or week to remove unnecessary items. Keep your space as clean and organized as possible to promote mental clarity.

Create a Relaxation Corner

Find a quiet spot in your home and dedicate it to relaxation. Furnish it with comfortable seating and opt for calming decor — think simple patterns and soothing colors.

Using Aromatherapy

Scents like lavender and chamomile can do wonders for your well-being. Invest in some essential oils or scented candles to make your home smell like a spa.

Play Relaxing Music or Use Soundscapes

Whether it’s calming tunes or the sound of rainfall, audio can dramatically improve the atmosphere. Consider a white noise machine or even ASMR (autonomous sensory meridian response) videos to help you wind down.

Open the Home to Natural Light

Sunlight boosts serotonin, which elevates your mood. Open the curtains and let natural light flood your living spaces during the day. Make it a point to step outside for a few minutes to soak in some sun. And if you can, position your desk or workspace near a window so you can enjoy the benefits of sunlight throughout the workday.

Introduce Plants

Houseplants can brighten up your space and also purify the air. Succulents are especially low-maintenance options if you’re new to gardening or don’t want to add another burden to your mental load.

Incorporate Sensory-Happy Items

Think about soft throws, tactile cushions, or even a Zen garden for your coffee table. Anything that positively engages your senses can aid relaxation.

Self-Care for Caregivers

As a caregiver, it’s important to make time for yourself and take care of your own physical and mental health.

Set Boundaries and Achievable Goals

It’s easy to stretch yourself too thin, so set realistic expectations for what you can accomplish. Prioritize tasks and stick to them as much as possible.

Practice Mindfulness, Breathing Exercises, and Meditation

Take a moment to focus on your breath. Inhale deeply through your nose for a count of four, hold for four, exhale for four, and hold for another four. Repeat this “box breathing” technique a few times to center yourself.

Delegate When Possible and Accept Help

Remember, you don’t have to do it all alone. Accept assistance from family and friends or consider hiring temporary help. Sharing the load can ease your stress.

Stay Connected

Don’t isolate yourself. Whether it’s a quick chat with a friend or joining a caregiver support group, social connections can lift your spirits.

Prioritize Self-Care

Engage in activities that bring you joy. It could be as simple as reading a few chapters of a book, painting, or taking a bubble bath. Prioritizing your own well-being isn’t selfish — it’s necessary for you to be an effective caregiver.

It’s not just about taking care of someone else — it’s about taking care of yourself, too. A peaceful home environment can do wonders for your mental and emotional health, making you a more patient and focused caregiver.

Local and Online Support Groups for Caregivers

If you’re a caregiver, you don’t have to bear the weight of your responsibilities alone. Support groups can offer you a community of people who truly understand and sympathize with what you’re going through. These groups provide not just emotional sustenance but also invaluable tips and resources. The big question is, do you opt for a local support group or an online one? Each comes with its own set of pros and cons, as outlined in the table below.

Criteria Local Support Groups Online Support Groups
Interaction In-person communication feels more genuine and supportive Access support at any time, offering convenience and flexibility
Resources Guides you to local services, healthcare providers, and respite care services Allows you to tap into global resources and diverse perspectives
Meeting Schedule Regular, scheduled meetings for consistent support No fixed schedule — participate as much or as little as you prefer
Community Connection Strengthens community bonds and offers local support Provides a wider network but less localized community connection
Immediate Assistance Offers quicker, in-person help in times of crisis Online platforms may offer timely advice but not immediate, in-person help

Your choice between a local and online group may depend on your specific needs and circumstances. If you value in-person connections and local resources, a local group is likely the best fit. If you crave flexibility, anonymity, and a wide array of perspectives, an online forum could be more your speed.

Whatever you choose, remember you’re not alone and help is out there. Support groups can provide emotional respite and practical advice, helping you become a better caregiver by first helping yourself.

Caregiver Services and Organizations That Can Help

Being a caregiver can often feel isolating, but the good news is there are various resources and organizations out there to help lighten your load. Let’s explore some of the options you can tap into, from mental health support to practical everyday assistance.

Mental Health Resources

  • Mental Health America (MHA): This organization offers a broad range of resources specifically designed for caregivers, including crisis planning and parenting support.
  • Anxiety and Depression Association of America (ADAA): It offers valuable tips for coping with stress and anxiety, which can be a daily battle for caregivers.
  • Insight Timer: This is a free app focused on helping you master meditation techniques. Great for winding down after a stressful day.
  • Sanvello: This app is like a pocket therapist, combining elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy and coaching to help you navigate stress.
  • Stories For Caregivers (YouTube Channel): A unique initiative that focuses on storytelling to help caregivers find community and relief.


  • MedlinePlus Caregivers: A project of the U.S. Department of Health, it offers a wealth of reliable, up-to-date health information tailored to caregivers. 
  • National Alliance for Caregiving (NAC): A nonprofit organization that provides education, information, and support to caregivers of adults with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
  • Family Caregiver Alliance (FCA): A nonprofit that provides education, information, and support to caregivers of adults with chronic illnesses or disabilities.
  • American Association of Retired Persons (AARP): A nonprofit that advocates for people over the age of 50. AARP offers a variety of resources and services to caregivers, including caregiver guides, legal checklists, online forums for caregivers, and advocacy for caregiver-friendly policies.

Other Services

  • Active Caregiving: Empowering Skills (ACES): Focusing on caring for those living with dementia, it offers both in-person and telephone group education focused on stress management and coping strategies. The program is available in multiple languages, including Spanish and Vietnamese.
  • CaringInfo: In addition to resource aggregation, it provides links to practical services like meal delivery and financial aid platforms.
  • Navigate Life Texas (NLT): Specifically tailored for caregivers of children with disabilities, offering resources and support.


Navigating the complexities of caregiving is never easy, but you’re far from alone on this journey. By implementing simple de-stressing techniques in your home and tapping into the myriad resources available, you can significantly lighten your emotional and physical load. Whether it’s joining a local support group, exploring mental health apps, or simply decluttering your space, small steps can yield big results. When you take care of yourself, you are better able to take care of others.

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