September 19, 2024

Step 1 The best way to make your cubicle look classy and pulled together is by sticking to one color theme. For this article I chose pink with green and white accents; the prints pictured are wonderful interpretations of this palette. I got the inspiration from my favorite pink and green floral pen; an item you love is always a wonderful place to start in choosing colors and patterns. However, you can choose whatever palette you like best – purple and black; lavender and white; and yellow and green are also beautiful combinations.

Step 2 All materials can be bought at your local craft store, Walmart, or Target. Fabrics should be kept within the same color family, but patterns and designs can be varied to give the cubicle more depth. For the pink and green palette, the selection pictured would look nice with a green ribbon. A paisley or floral pattern would also be charming. The 24′ strip and several yard pieces can be in the same or different fabrics, but the ribbon should coordinate. Fold over about a 1/2″ of the fabric on top and using small tacks, fasten the fabric along the upper portion of your cubicle. Ask a coworker for help to make sure it’s straight. Then line the bottom edge with your ribbon. Your cubicle will instantly feel brighter and more inviting. Alternately, you can choose to do one accent wall in a bolder fabric choice if you like.

Step 3 Now hang your wall accents. Target has some elegant, fabric-covered corkboards available. Place the corkboard right over your desk to tack up important papers and decorate it with a few postcards from family and friends. Walmart has some lovely hangings in branching and floral shapes; these should be hung on a larger, less used wall. Finally, two or three framed pictures should be added for a personal touch. Large flowers or birds in a tree are a soothing complement to the feminine cubicle. Recycle your old calendars by cutting out your favorite pictures and framing them to make inexpensive, beautiful wall art!

Step 4 Now you’re ready to move on to the rest of the space. Add a fun, colorful rug to brighten up that dreary floor. A sumptious pillow should be added to your chair to make for a lush-looking office space. I love the luscious silk pink one pictured. Set up your lamp in the corner of your desk. Instead of the harsh fluorescent overhead, this soft lighting will make you feel calmer and is much better for your eyes. Check out your local flea market for either a Tiffany-inspired lamp or one shaped like a flower. I particularly enjoy the small ones that resemble an upturned tulip.

Step 5 Adding greenery to your cubicle is essential. The fresh oxygen the plants give off will make you feel more alert during the day and keep your brain working at its best. Place one or two plants around your cubicle. I prefer the jade and bamboo plant since the latter is known to bring luck while the former money. These seem most appropriate for an office. Flowers are also essential to a feminine office space. Decorate the small white tin with the leftover ribbon by glueing it around the pot and tie in a bow at the front. Now anchor your faux flowers in with some Styrofoam. I like the fuller look to both cover the opening of the pot completely and to give a nice, bountiful look. My favorite choice is purple hydrangeas, but pink roses are also delightful. Lavender is a wonderful addition to any room. You can either place a bowl of the purple buds out on your desk or you can buy some dried flowers and stand them upright in a simple white vase. All of these will add life and warmth to your office space.

Step 6 Your cubicle has been decorated and personalized; now it’s time to move onto your desk space. There are numerous websites that sell beautiful and feminine office accessories. and are my two favorites. However, if you want to save some money you can DIY many of these items. Personalizing manila folders are an important step in making your cubicle your own. Glue the remnant fabric you bought at a discount to add a stripe of color along the top of your folder. The scrapbook sheets can be used to cover the whole front of the folder for a really eye-catching look. Play around with both the patterns and colors. They can be a great assortment and will surely have your office neighbor begging you for a set.

Step 7 Now what about housing those beautiful folders of yours? If your file cabinet is as much of an eyesore as most of ours, I have a quick fix for it. Use the extra ribbon left over from your walls and run it along the lip up your cabinet using double-sided sticky tape. This won’t interfere when pulling out drawers but will add a touch of color to them. Finally, add some playful wall stickers to the front of the drawers. These will peel right off when you’re ready to move but can add a lot of personality while you’re there. There’s a huge selection online and in store; the design pictured is well laid out and would look lovely in your office using pink flowers and branches.

Step 8 One thing that adds flair to any office is the memo cube with beautiful images along the side. Unfortunately, these can run two to three times the price of the normal ones. A quick fix is to DIY one using a nice stamp such as a flower or cherry blossoms and a vibrant ink color. These will come out as nice as the premade ones, and the ink and stamp can be reused to make multiple pads over the years! Moving onto your desk accessories, you’ll need to customize your pencil holder. has a beautiful white metal brocade cup, but I saved some money by hunting for a nice vintage cup at flea markets. I found a beautiful ceramic one with a rose for my office. You can also cover your basic pencil cup and cover it with your leftover fabric for a coordinated look. To really make a statement, fill your pencil cup with pens and pencils in only one color, in this case pink. Trade in your run-of-the-mill coffe cup for a beautiful travel mug from online. It will not only make you smile as you sip your java in the morning but will also prevent any mix-ups at the office!

Step 9 Your cubicle has now been decorated and personalized to a perfectly professional degree. The only thing you need know is to grab a charming plate at a flea market and fill it with a candy wrapped in appropriately colored foil. But be warned, with your fabulous decor and yummy candy, your cubicle will become the new hot spot!

Source by Kate A