September 20, 2024

Do you ever find seemingly random piles of items from nature near your door? At our house, thereโ€™s always a pile of something. LOL! Rocks or sticks or pinecones or acorns โ€” this morning it was a stack of fallen leaves, all the size of oneโ€™s head or bigger.

Connorโ€™s always gathering and collecting treasures from the great outdoors. ๐Ÿ‚๐Ÿ

Anywho, I needed to wear something fun and joyful today because I got some good news from the doctorโ€™s office this morning. Long story short, the health issue Iโ€™ve been concerned with for months doesnโ€™t appear to be THE BIG SCARY THING that I feared.

Itโ€™s been a couple of draining weeks on my end taking tests and waiting for results. I canโ€™t even begin to tell you how happy I am to wear a colorful red lipstick to celebrate (hopefully) making it to grandma status someday in the very, very far distant future.

The warm orangey red Iโ€™m wearing today is MAC Retro Matte Liquid Lipcolour in Quite the Standout. I feel like it has a vintage vibe to it.

Enjoy the rest of this beautiful day. And as cheesy as it sounds, if you get the chance, take a moment to please tell your body โ€œthank youโ€ for everything it does for you, especially if youโ€™re reasonably healthy.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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