September 20, 2024

If you wouldโ€™ve asked me this time last week about the biggest change in my life lately, I wouldโ€™ve said that I got a new pair of glasses, LOL!

I honestly wouldโ€™ve never predicted that Iโ€™d be sitting here one week later wearing those same glasses to take a high energy Australian shepherd for a walk. Seriously, life is so crazy.

Say hi to our newest family member Marnie! Her full name is Marnie Marie. ๐Ÿ™‚ Of course we would give our dog daughter a middle name.

Anyway, Iโ€™ve been needing new glasses for a while; the last time I bought a new pair was pre-pandemic back in 2020! Back then I bought a sassy pair of pink Kate Spade frames, and while I liked the look of them in pictures, I hated wearing them because of the thickness of the frames; whenever Iโ€™d look out sideways Iโ€™d see the frames, which was super distracting. I rarely wore them, so instead, Iโ€™ve been rocking a pair of super old glasses from 2018 for the last FOUR YEARS. I know.

Side note, have you ever bought a new pair of glasses and then rarely touched them? Iโ€™m guessing this happens more often than not.

When I went to the optometrist a few weeks ago to get my eyes checked, this was the last pair that I tried on after testing out, I kid you not, 50 or so pairs.

What was kinda strange to me was that it felt weirdly high stakes to try on different colors and styles of frames. I guess Iโ€™ve gotten used to seeing myself a certain way, so the thought of going too far out of my style comfort zone was intimidating.

I didnโ€™t want a pair that looked exactly like the ones I already was wearing, but I couldnโ€™t bring myself to commit to a style that was completely different. I dunno, maybe this is something that happens as one gets older? You get so used to seeing yourself a certain way, and next thing you know, you have the same hairstyle for 30 years.

I think this pair is different enough because of the shape and the slightly edgier vibe, but it still has hints of the previous pink tortoiseshell pair I loved wearing.

Oh! Another thing. The lenses! I canโ€™t believe Iโ€™m saying this out loud because Iโ€™ve been in denial for so long about my near-vision, but these are progressive lenses. Thatโ€™s when you have glasses that are like the old-school bifocals but without the harsh line, so you can see things that are both near and far. I gotta say that even though it took me a while to accept that, theyโ€™re super handy to have because Iโ€™m no longer constantly removing my glasses to look at my phone, or having to carry multiple pairs of glasses wherever I go.

Itโ€™s a whole new world!

Anywho, thatโ€™s one of many new things thatโ€™ve been happening lately.

Your friendly neighborhood beauty addict,


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