September 20, 2024

“I call this side profile look ‘selling the stud.’”

Some cats are large. Tabs was too. In fact, he was larger than life. Almost 20 pounds of fierce feline fabulosity. I miss him so much this time of year. Every Christmas, I’m reminded of all the Tabs-ian misadventures he embarked upon, like the TIMEs — plural — he knocked over the Christmas tree. Yup, not just once. It was his thing for a while, but I digress… Here’s a look back a few years at a Christmas weekend starring Tabs. 🐱🎁🌲

Before we left the house yesterday, and actually I do this every time I leave for a trip, El Hub, Connor and I spent a long time telling Tabs that we love him, that we’re going to miss him, and that we hope he doesn’t throw any ragers while we’re gone.

It’s true, though. Whenever I go anywhere without Tabs, I feel like I leave part of my heart ? behind (although I don’t know if he cares that much about me, to be honest).

As you can see from these pics from his latest photo spread with his favorite pet sitter/freelance photographer, he was very excited about getting dressed up and celebrating Christmas Eve at the home office on his own.

He sent me a text earlier to ask if it was OK if his old CIA buddies came over for a visit, and at first I was like, “You were in the CIA”? And he said, “Mrow,” which, loosely translated to human speak, means, “Yes, how could you have not known? I didn’t exactly keep it a secret.”

tabs christmas 2017 side view
Whistle while you werk
tabs christmas 2017
Can you find the hidden tabby?
tabs christmas 2017 side view
Christmas kitty supermodel
tabs christmas 2017
“Eggnog for everyone!!”
tabs christmas 2017
“Obviously, I was a very good cat this year. Obviously.”
tabs christmas 2017 tummy
“All I want for Christmas is Chanel and Dior.”
“I wish you a meowy Christmas…”
tabs christmas 2017 tie left coy
“And a happy new year.”

Of course, being in the Christmas spirit, I told him “sure,” so, as you’re reading this, half a dozen CIA kitties have descended upon Novato, California, and nobody knows or has any idea what’s going on, because they’re sneaky like that…

Oh! — Tabs let me pick out his Christmas tie this year (I guess he was feeling generous). I went with red and white because I thought the red would play off the green in his eyes, and the candy pattern is symbolic of his sweetness. 🙂

Before we left the house, El Hub tucked several treat into Tabs’s stocking, I wouldn’t be surprised if Tabs tucked some presents underneath the tree for us, too.

Wishing you and your kitty family a very meowy Christmas,


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